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Certified in the UK, EU, Switzerland, Norway, Hong Kong and Brazil since 2019
Pilots in 6 NHS Trusts and NHS Practitioner Health
Approved by the British Standards Institutions (BSI)
Class IIa medical device CE-marked
Tested according to IEC 60601 for electrical medical device safety
Join more than 400 private clinics globally and build Flow into your treatment pathway
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Mauris commodo turpis elit, sed dictum orci pharetra ac.

57.5% of study participants achieved remission in 10 weeks*
The recent EMPOWER clinical trial results, published in Nature Medicine, demonstrate Flow is effective and superior to the sham treatment1. This 10-week double-blind placebo-controlled randomised study reviewed the use of Flow compared to placebo across 173 adult participants diagnosed with unipolar depression (moderate to severe). Real-world data2 and various ongoing pilots3 show similar results.The EMPOWER trial also highlighted a potential amplification when Flow was used in combination with an antidepressant. This impact has also been reported in real-world cases. *Remission defined as a score of ≤12 on MADRS